How to Become a Social Media Manager |

Download my Step-by-Step E-Book: 5 Keys to Become a Social Media Manager

by: Kamara Daughtry (Let’s Connect on LinkedIn)

You don’t need to work another 9-5. You can literally post on Instagram for someone and make extra income without going back-to-school.

In my Step-by-Step E-Book, I provide 5 Keys on How to Become a Social Media Manager. In order to start your journey you need three basic things: WiFi, cell phone/laptop, and some experience in writing. You don’t have to be an expert, but writing good captions will catch people’s attention and see that your work truly is making a difference.

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Here are the 5 Easy Ways to Become a Social Media Manager

Be Creative 

In order to be a social media manager, you have to be creative. If you’re a beginner start making graphics on Canva (Download How to Become a Canva Graphic Designer Here) and find out the best ways to use your skills online.

Who’s Your Target Audience

Once you announce you’re open for business, people from all different industries will reach out to you. You need to determine what kind of businesses, platforms and personal brands you want to work with.

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Clean Up Your Own Social Media Pages

Potential Clients want to see what you’re professional/personal profiles look like. The best advice I give people is make sure you showcase your personality, but also remain professional. Once you get hired with a certain company you’re a reflection of them. So make a good impression (:

Schedule Your Content

The best gift you can give your clients is organization. You want to find a unique and creative way to schedule your content and develop a routine or strategy to achieve your clients goals.

Get Started 

You have the experience, you have the skills. You don’t need to go back to school, you just need to get started. Don’t procrastinate.

Visit my CareerShop and download some amazing resources to increase your income.

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